Monday 30 May 2016

We are back again

It has been a while since I've posted something on this blog. 
But we're back here and I'm going to post some pictures of our new stuff in the next couple of days.

We changed the name of our studio to Vilijan. It is a combination of our children's name Vili + Jan :D

Aaaand we have bright new web site!!!
I invite you all to check it out.
Let me know what you think.
Here's the link. 

Some new random stuff.

Monday 9 January 2012

something old, something new

I'm trying to work on some new photos for my etsy shop... It'is not going very well :) But in the meantime I discovered some great new effects on Picasa. 

Sunday 1 January 2012

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Wednesday 28 December 2011

Nativity scene in a village church

Couple of years ago we were asked to do a whole big nativity scene for a little baroque church in a village of Rovišće near Bjelovar. The scene was 3,75x2,00 meters big and it was made in 7 pieces that perfectly clicked with one another- like lego's :)
There are some pictures from the making of...  Later we made a big sky that went all along the scenary with many golden stars, and of course a big bright one.

All the buildings are handcrafted from foamy cement, they are hollow inside, so they can glow from inside.At this stage the lights were only put there for testing purposes, afterwards the wire was covered with grass and moss.

Not all the figurinas were in the same size,   so we put the smaller in the back to create additional perspective.

The camel is approximately 35cm high and it was originally belonging to the very old wooden nativity set in  Varaždin cathedral. We restored the original wooden piece and got the right to make mould and produce it for further selling.

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Sunday 14 August 2011

restauracija župne crkve u murskom središću 1.

 drveni anđeli sa pokrajnjih oltara

kad smo ih skinuli samo  je debeli sloj laka i boje držao formu da se ne raspadne
unutrašnjost je bila sva šupljikava i izjedena kukcima

nakon mjeseci držanja anđela u komori sa sredstvom za ubijanje kukaca 
bilo je vrijeme da se pokuša spasiti forma anđela nepoznatog autora izrađenog u  beroknom stilu

pažljivim injektiranjem posebnog sintetičnog sredstva za učvršćivanje
punili smo unutrašnjost anđela u nadi da ćemo uspjeti spasiti formu

sveukupno je bilo 4 različita anđela,
sa svakog pokrajnjeg oltara po 2